Friday, December 31, 2010 begins again.

I have signed up again for my biggest loser account, which helps me plan and record my food and exercise choices and helps me monitor my calorie in to calorie out equation. It is a very very good tool and has helped me lose weight before after the birth of my baby.

A friend of mine has teamed up with me, and we are having a race to see who can lose 5 kilos first, and the loser has to pay for the winners hair to be done......this, I think is the biggest motivating factor for me! She is an awesome friend, and would do anything for me, so we are going to do this together.

My other weight loss support buddy is currently on her honeymoon in England, but she lives right round the corner, so we will be helping each other when she gets back.

AND my sister is getting married this year in November, and so we will be having a race to see who can lose weight as well.

With all this support, how can I possibly go wrong....well, we will see!!!!!

Healthy thoughts! xx

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fallen off the bandwagon? Hell yes.

Well, fallen off the bandwagon is the understatement of the year.

Actually, my doctor asked me to stop losing weight until we sorted out some other medical issues (like why I can't stop gaining weight...?) and as a result, I am now the biggest I have ever been in my life.

Fucking, fucking, fucking unfair.

And the results? I am slightly low in iron, and apart from that I am as healthy as anything. No explanation for my sudden weight gain, but since October, I have gained seven kilos.

So, I am back to it, but now I have even more weight to lose. So, I am starting today....
I weigh 79.7 kilos as of this morning, and I am doing the Xndo programme, two milkshakes a day until I reach my goal weight, exercise lightly, and generally try to eat tiny portions.

My doctor has sent me to a nutritionist, but the waiting list is huge, so I have an appointment later this month. Apart from that, the next option is lap band, or stopping eating altogether?

Monday, October 4, 2010

A small loss...

So, I am back on the train, and have made a small loss this week. I am aiming again for under 75 kilos. My first mini goal is under 70 kilos, and so if I weigh in at under 75, then I will know that I am well on my way.

The scales read 75.2 this morning, so I am well on my way to achieving my goal this week. The question is can I do it???

I always get a little dissapointed at small losses, but I read something this morning that kinda changed my mind. A loss of 250gms per week might seem like a 'bad' weight loss, or not a very good one. We all want to pull big numbers, we all want it now now now! (Stupid Biggest Loser!) But 250gms per week, or a kilo a month, is 12 kilos a year. I know I coud do with 12 kilos gone! So I am not going to stress the small stuff, celebrate the big stuff and enjoy myself!

My goals for today are:

1. Google vegetarian sources of protein. I need to eat more of it, and less fat. Beans? Legumes? Tofu? I'm gunna find it.
2. Gym. Not a hard ask, I love going to the gym.
3. Eat healthily. (dur!)

Healthy thoughts! xx

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fallen off the bandwagon...

So, we have had guests here for the past week..... and there went my diet......

But, I went for my weigh in today anyway, explained that we had friends staying from Geraldton, and she had 5 kids, and that I had slipped a little off the bandwagon. She said it was fine, and that I needed to go back to exercising everyday and eating well, and it would all slip off again.

After my little epiphany, I am a lot more comfortable with this. Counting calories and watching portion sizes is something I will have to do for the rest of my life, no question about it. I am a human being, and I will slip up and have bad weeks, but I just need to go back to eating healthy and exercising. I will not be a fattie!

Two things I have realised in the past week:
1. Kewpie Mayonaisse is very, very dense, calorie wise. At 100 calories per teaspoon, it is a definate treat item, not an everyday kinda thing. Ooopsy.

2. Lettuce is very filling in a sandwich and really, really low in calories! A cup of shredded lettuce is only 4 calories. I don't like the tasteof lettuce on it's own, so I have never really bought it very much, but I am really enjoying it in egg and salad wraps. The eggs and a little mayo go well with the crisp lettuce. I know many many people know this, but I have only just figured it out.....give me a break! I am learning!

Go me, I will win this battle!

PS......zumba-ed this morning.....very very fun!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not looking too shabby...

Okay, despite having had Sunday, Monday and some of Tuesday off 'dieting' (NO! HEALTHY EATING, LIFE LONG CHANGE) things are not looking too shabby for my weigh in on Saturday morning. 74.1 was the verdict on the scales this morning (Thursday) and I still have all day today and tomorrow to go! So I was theorising on what I have learnt so far...
1. If I exercise at a moderate intensity for an hour a day, I can eat 'nomally' and still lose weight. The extra 200 calories for coffee and a biccie, or a snack after school, or a beer with dinner is counteracted by burning 300-400 calories at the gym.
2. Calorie rich foods (garlic bread, chocolate, cake, cheese etc) are dense in calories for weight, but don't leave you feeling full. Filling up should be done with fruit, veggies and low calorie foods.
3. I do not drink enough water, nor gain enough of my calories from protein. I need to eat more legumes (being a vegetarian) beans, tofu, tempeh, and being a mummy, I need to find family (meat eater) friendly meals that contain those things.

I think the biggest thing that I have realised, having now lost and regained weight twice in my life, once when I was a young adult and once after the birth of my daughter, is that my weight will be a life long fight...but one that I will win. My body wants to store fat, doesn't feel full, and my 'natural' size is not a healthy one. I will always have to watch what I eat, and after doing Xenical, pills and all sorts of things, I just need to make sure I am burning more than I am eating! AND NOT GIVE UP!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Had a couple of days off...

Okay, I am an emotional eater. I eat my feelings, I know that I do this, but I am trying my best to control it. That said, I have had a couple of days off. I havent gone nuts, and I have still exercised, but I havent counted calories or anything.

BUT, today I am back on the wagon! I really hope I can still secure a little loss. Being 74.7 kgs last Sunday morning, I would be happy for a loss somewhere in the 74's.....even a little one. Again, 73 anything would be awesome, and I would be over the moon. Tonight, my daughter is at her daddy's house, so I am going to expend some serious calories. I am going to try and work off over 500 calories, easy if I do zumba, hard if I am just walking....BUT, my motivation is back! I am going to have a loss this week, I can feel it!

Healthy thoughts

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lemon Tarts

Okay, I have just eaten three lemon tarts.....BAD DIETER, BAD DIETER!